Thursday 31 March 2016

The Cat - An Essay

The Cat


Most people think that the cat is an unintelligent animal, fond of ease, and caring little for anything but mice and milk. But a cat has really more character than most human beings, and gets a great deal more satisfaction out of life. Of all the animal kingdom, the cat has the most many-sided character.

He -- or she -- is an athlete, a musician, an acrobat, a Lothario, a grim fighter, a sport of the first water. All day long the cat loafs about the house, takes things easy, sleeps by the fire, and allows himself to be pestered by the attentions of our womenfolk and annoyed by our children. To pass the time away he sometimes watches a mouse-hole for an hour or two -- just to keep himself from dying of ennui; and people get the idea that this sort of thing is all that life holds for the cat. But watch him as the shades of evening fall, and you see the cat as he really is.

When the family sits down to tea, the cat usually puts in an appearance to get his share, and purrs noisily, and rubs himself against the legs of the family; and all the time he is thinking of a fight or a love-affair that is coming off that evening. If there is a guest at table the cat is particularly civil to him, because the guest is likely to have the best of what is going. Sometimes, instead of recognizing this civility with something to eat, the guest stoops down and strokes the cat, and says, "Poor pussy! poor pussy!"

The cat soon tires of that; he puts up his claw and quietly but firmly rakes the guest in the leg.
"Ow!" says the guest, "the cat stuck his claws into me!" The delighted family remarks, "Isn't it sweet of him? Isn't he intelligent? HE WANTS YOU TO GIVE HIM SOMETHING TO EAT."

The guest dares not do what he would like to do -- kick the cat through the window -- so, with tears of rage and pain in his eyes, he affects to be very much amused, and sorts out a bit of fish from his plate and hands it down. The cat gingerly receives it, with a look in his eyes that says: "Another time, my friend, you won't be so dull of comprehension," and purrs maliciously as he retires to a safe distance from the guest's boot before eating it. A cat isn't a fool -- not by a long way.

When the family has finished tea, and gathers round the fire to enjoy the hours of indigestion, the cat slouches casually out of the room and disappears. Life, true life, now begins for him.

He saunters down his own backyard, springs to the top of the fence with one easy bound, drops lightly down on the other side, trots across the right-of-way to a vacant allotment, and skips to the roof of an empty shed. As he goes, he throws off the effeminacy of civilisation; his gait becomes lithe and pantherlike; he looks quickly and keenly from side to side, and moves noiselessly, for he has so many enemies -- dogs, cabmen with whips, and small boys with stones.

Arrived on the top of the shed, the cat arches his back, rakes his claws once or twice through the soft bark of the old roof, wheels round and stretches himself a few times; just to see that every muscle is in full working order; then, dropping his head nearly to his paws, he sends across a league of backyards his call to his kindred -- a call to love, or war, or sport.

Before long they come, gliding, graceful shadows, approaching circuitously, and halting occasionally to reconnoitre -- tortoiseshell, tabby, and black, all domestic cats, but all transformed for the nonce into their natural state. No longer are they the hypocritical, meek creatures who an hour ago were cadging for fish and milk. They are now ruffling, swaggering blades with a Gascon sense of dignity. Their fights are grim and determined, and a cat will be clawed to ribbons before he will yield.

Even young lady cats have this inestimable superiority over human beings, that they can work off jealousy, hatred, and malice in a sprawling, yelling combat on a flat roof. All cats fight, and all keep themselves more or less in training while they are young. Your cat may be the acknowledged lightweight champion of his district -- a Griffo of the feline ring!

Just think how much more he gets out of his life than you do out of yours -- what a hurricane of fighting and lovemaking his life is -- and blush for yourself. You have had one little love-affair, and never had a good, all-out fight in your life!

And the sport they have, too! As they get older and retire from the ring they go in for sport more systematically; the suburban backyards, that are to us but dullness indescribable, are to them hunting-grounds and trysting-places where they may have more gallant adventure than ever had King Arthur's knights or Robin Hood's merry men.

Grimalkin decides to kill a canary in a neighbouring verandah. Consider the fascination of it -- the stealthy reconnaissance from the top of the fence; the care to avoid waking the house-dog, the noiseless approach and the hurried dash, and the fierce clawing at the fluttering bird till its mangled body is dragged through the bars of the cage; the exultant retreat with the spoil; the growling over the feast that follows. Not the least entertaining part of it is the demure satisfaction of arriving home in time for breakfast and hearing the house-mistress say: "Tom must be sick; he seems to have no appetite."

It is always levelled as a reproach against cats that they are more fond of their home than of the people in it. Naturally, the cat doesn't like to leave his country, the land where all his friends are, and where he knows every landmark. Exiled in a strange land, he would have to learn a new geography, to exploit another tribe of dogs, to fight and make love to an entirely new nation of cats. Life isn't long enough for that sort of thing. So, when the family moves, the cat, if allowed, will stay at the old house and attach himself to the new tenants. He will give them the privilege of boarding him while he enjoys life in his own way. He is not going to sacrifice his whole career for the doubtful reward which fidelity to his old master or mistress might bring.

Thursday 28 January 2016


Isn't it amazing how just shutting 2 lanes on the QE2 bridge can cause the kind of gridlock we're experiencing in Thurrock this afternoon.

My Human has reported that it took over 2 hours to travel from West Thurrock to South Ockendon - a journey that takes around fifteen minutes on a normal day.

This is what he told me...

Most of the hold ups are caused by moronic drivers blocking entrances and exits to and from side roads and roundabouts and the perennial lane-jumpers who think that by continually changing lanes they can get home a few seconds earlier.

Then you get the arsehole who uses his vehicle to block both lanes as he is terrified that someone will overtake.

What we need is a squad of people in bright yellow coats directing the traffic at the various junctions to maintain a steady flow. Maybe we can use the many Community Support Officers who would love a chance to exercise some real power over the general public instead of having to explain that there is really nothing they can do and you'll have to wait for a real policeman to arrive.

I lost count of the number of cars that u-turned in a futile attempt to find a quicker way.

Finally arrived home and made Plan B arrangements to get to the Theatre in Grays tonight with the parents for a much-needed night out. Abandoned any idea of getting there by car and worked out that we could get there by train....only snag, all roads to the station were blocked and after moving 500 yards in 20 minutes, Plan B was also abandoned.

If only they could build an extra crossing over the Thames to alleviate the congestion on the QE2. That'll be nice.

Can we start this week again as so far it's been a 'mare

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Who Luvs Ya Baby - The Psychology of Lollipop People

This afternoon my live-in Human arrived home from work in a foul mood ranting about something called 'kin lollipop people. He sat on the bed, tickled my belly and recounted this story about these lollipop people who, it seems, have upset him this afternoon.

I have to say I wasn't really listening so may have misunderstood bits and pieces but here goes...

On my way home from work I have to pass through the village where there is a primary school on the main road, outside of which lives an evil Lollipop Lady (Editor's note : I'm assuming this is a female Lollipop Person). This wild lady with fluorescent yellow skin has a tendency to leap out in front of oncoming traffic and prevent law abiding motorists from going about their business by waving a fearsome pole arm bearing the legend 'Stop Children' (Editors Note - Stopping children is a bit harsh as children aren't the main problem here and if you stop them completely there is no need for the school).

By all accounts this wild lollipop lady is then almost impossible to move until a constant stream of Humans of all sizes are allowed to cross the road in front of the patiently waiting motorists - sometimes for upwards of 2 hours (Think you might be exaggerating as I know you finish work at 3pm and you were home by 20 past)

The problem is then compounded by hundreds (are you sure?) of youngish females all driving articulated lorries (really!) and then abandoning them all over the road while they pick up their precious psychotic children - all because they are either too fat or too lazy to walk home like we did when we were young. If I'd been collected from school I'd've been the laughing stock of all my friends.

Just around the corner from the school is a Zebra crossing inhabited by another of these lollipop people - this time a male - who feels it is his duty to stand in the middle of the crossing allowing virtually the whole population of western Europe to cross the road before letting one or two cars past so that they can join the queue to watch the aforementioned lollipop lady perform her mesmerising routine one hundred yards further down the road.

Roll on half-term.....

I can only assume they are called lollipop people because they suck.

A pat on the back for anyone old enough to get the Kojack reference in the title

Sunday 10 January 2016

Facebook - A Cat's Best Friend....Not!

For the last year I've had my very own profile on Facebook. It has given me a platform to keep all of my friends and followers up-to-date with my eagerly awaited news and views and through it I've made a whole load of new friends.

However...Facebook have seen fit to rule that as I'm not a 'real' human, then I'm not eligible to have my own profile and I need to 'belong' to someone.

Thankfully one of the Humans that lives in my house has agreed to technically 'own' me for the purpose of getting around the draconian Facebook regulations. The downside is that I'm now classified as a 'pet' which as you all know is exactly the reverse of the Cat/Human relationship :-)

So, Mark Zukerberg and all the faceless minions at Facebook, I hope you're pleased with yourselves that what the majority of right-minded people regard as just a bit of fun needs to be clamped down on whilst crime levels continue to soar and all over the developing world people continue to live in poor conditions and are slowly starving to death.

How about investing some of your fortune, that you'll never spend in 9 lifetimes (Cat Pun Alert) in solving some of the real problems in the world and let this cat continue entertaining the lovely people who use your product for very commendable uses.

Cats have feelings too...

Monty Catt